In order to grow as individuals in all areas of our life, we are always advised to step out of our comfort zone. Sounds easy really. Just start doing something that makes you uncomfortable right?
Being in our comfort zone makes us feel safe and secure and most of all comfortable.We know what we have to do and we know the outcome . We know the routine, we know the results and importantly, we know it will not stress us out, so more often than not, this is the place that we feel the most comfortable in. The problem with staying in our comfort zone is that we do not push ourselves to go further, to try harder, to achieve more . The potential is there within us, but there is one main factor holding us back when attempting to step out and that is fear. Successful people push through their fear and do it anyway, the ones that lag behind are too afraid to step out of their fear or work through their fear.
We all experience fear. Fear is our great inner protector, it triggers in us thoughts to prevent us from taking action but we can either use that fear to fuel us or to stop us. Often the fear we have grows bigger inside us and it is unfounded as it is encouraged by the chatter in our head. The fear we imagine , the outcomes we imagine, the reasons the excuses for not doing something because of the fear we generate over and over in our heads until we are paralysed to even do it anymore.
But as Jen Sincero states in her book, You are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life,
“This is about your faith being greater than your fear“. We have to believe in ourselves, believe we can overcome any obstacles that are in our path. Cliched, yes but truthful .We have to believe in the things that we cannot see as well as the things we can see . We have to believe in what IS possible and we must visualise to see what is not yet there.
So while holidaying in Maui with the family, once again stepping out of my comfort zone was challenged. Two summers ago it was going on a ten seater plane and let me tell you that was a huge step out of the comfort zone . I did it , I pushed through and was so happy I did. You would think going in a helicopter would be easy after the small plane but I have a big fear of helicopters so going in a helicopter is for me almost as far out of my comfort zone as I would ideally like to be.
But seeing as the rest of the family really wanted to , I reluctantly agreed but not before asking alot of questions from where we bought our tickets and not before spending two days mindfully practicing positive chattering in my head ! Rationally I knew it would be ok, but my fear spurred on by the stories in my head just made this fear even greater.
But life is all about taking chances and stepping out of our comfort zone. For if we stay, we do not grow in any areas of our life. If I would have stayed in my cosy comfy place, I would never had moved countries and have the great life that I have now. I got on that helicopter afraid and fearful, I got off the helicopter elated and triumphant. The spectacular scenery, the confident pilot and the calmness of my family proved to me that my fear was too built up inside my head. We prevent ourselves from doing things or taking chances because of our fear and by doing so we miss out on so many wonderful experiences and opportunity. Life is not meant to be easy and fun all the time, it is filled with twists and turns and bumps and obstacles, but it is how we handle these that help us grow into the people we are.
I am thrilled to say that I pushed through my fear with a vengeance and made it to the other side of immense growth! I know that there will be other obstacles that will step in my way but I will be able to face them head on and keep on going.
What is one fear that stops you from moving forward, comment below , I would love to read .Would love to hear your story